Transformer Revenge of the fallen and Monster Vs Aliens Blu ray has arrived.Thank you Mr postman.Yippay,next week dad said the snow white blu ray will probably arrive.Yesterday,I watched Transformer and Monster vs Aliens.The Monster Vs Aliens gave four 3-D glasses for the special features -Bob's big break.The 3-D effect was spectacular.I really enjoyed it.Tonight,I'm gonna watch Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince.My first brother bought the DVD and brought it to me.He's just finished his exam.Now,he on break for 2 months.
Ahh,prepare the tissue for tonight - the dumbledore death scene :'( I can't wait for the final harry potter movie.Part1 and Part 2.Marking my calendar for next year.I remember when I was a kid.I always ask my mum to buy me the jelly beans and toad chocolate frogs.Ha ha,getting the Hogwarts spirit.
Ahh,prepare the tissue for tonight - the dumbledore death scene :'( I can't wait for the final harry potter movie.Part1 and Part 2.Marking my calendar for next year.I remember when I was a kid.I always ask my mum to buy me the jelly beans and toad chocolate frogs.Ha ha,getting the Hogwarts spirit.
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