Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Out and about

My new lights.

I went to KLCC with my dad and brother.As usual we went into the BEST gadgets store.Next,Machines.Followed by,Sony Centre and Flash Gadgets.Other thing the my dad and my brother have in common with me,besides movies and TV shows,we love gadgets.I was browsing the LED Flat screens.I turn to my right and saw a few of Chinese people in a tux.I thought they had like a seminar or field trip or something.Turns out,they were premiering the very first Samsung 3D HD LED TV.I was like 'Pretty fast for debuting here in Malaysia.' They were setting up and putting the glasses in front of the TV.I went forward immediately and put it on,pretty cool I might add.Next was my brother and my dad.I said to my dad,we gotta have that and put it in our cinema room.NOT like the over the top cinema room from Teen Cribs.Ha ha,

We ate lunch,went to Kinokuniya as usual.I bought some rings.Here are some my collection.



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