Saturday, March 6, 2010


I've always love Coldplay.Chris Martin has an amazing voice.Gwyneth Paltrow is a very lucky girl indeed.I would be deeply touched if someone sing me this song.The scientist-Coldplay.There is something about this song.I fell in love once again with this song. It's just the lyrics, the feelings that come out of them, Chris Martin's voice.

Nobody said it was easy
No one ever said it would be so hard

My favourite part of the lyrics.I even try my best to find Chris Martin singing live and acoustic of this song.I've found it.Both are just amazing.Besides the scientist,I love Lovers in Japan,Yellow,Fix You,Lost,Viva La Vida,Clocks,In My Place and Violet Hill.Let me just say that Coldplay with always be one of my favourite bands.



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