Friday, January 8, 2010

Take Me Away

I meant to post this a month ago.I guess I forgot.Guess what in my mail box last month? Wait for it wait for it

Yes,Harry Potter and The Half Blood Prince Blu ray.I just need Deathly Hallows Part 1 and 2.Then,its finish.Kinda sad actually.I've grown up with this film.I love Harry Potter.Its not just a teenage wizard movie.To me,its more than that.Accepting your fear and do something about it.A lot of moral fiber in the books.Even though,Harry's not real.You kinda think he exist.You feel sorry for him because everyone around him always dies.He doesn't even have chance to reconnect with his loved ones.Thankfully he has amazing friends.Always by his side.Heck,I could make a long essay why i love harry potter.Ha ha,

Another movie that I'm really excited about is Toy's Story 3.That is like my favourite childhood movie man.In toy's story 3,Andy is going to college.A little older from me,still this is my senior year.Next year,I'm gonna go to college.You know what I mean.I've grown up with this film too.Its amazing to see,when I was little,I used to love Barbie's,Dolls and all that kind of stuff.That is why I like about movies.It takes you to another medium.



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