Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Class Party

This is a long post so be prepare.

Today,I woke up 7.40 am and I didn't have any breakfast.I know.Breakfast is important but don't worry I did put some sandwich in my bag.I took a ride with Leya's dad so as Zana.We wait at the back of our school bus station.We wait for Hafizil to pick us up.Around 9.50am,his driver has arrive.The big smile of my face as I see the car approaching.Emir and Amad also join us.We went to Isi Rimba near Kemensah.We were on our way.I look to my right and saw a river.Its small highway.I don't even think its a highway.Hehe,Finally we managed to get there.First thing we did was put our stuff and give the raw chicken to the staff to marinate it.Next.I immediately go the river.The water is so cold.I saw Danny who was already there.He was trying to catch a fish.We tease him saying 'aicehh,tekun buat kerja.macam nelayan'.I wore jeans and I forget to bring my sweatpants.I asked Fizil,if he had any spare.Thankfully,he did but its not his pants la.Its a girl pants okay.hehe,I played in the river and we had so much fun. ;)

After that,we set up for the BBQ section.Making a fire is very hard.I thought it would be easy.Nothing can't get worse.It did.It started to rain.We had to switch the places and it was very chaotic.Everybody stressing especially seseorang ni. ;p you know who are.We were scared that the people could not make it.I actually thought this class party was gonna suck but it didnt.It was amazing.Better than I imagine.We took a lot of pictures.Every one's laughing.I guess,even though we were stressing so much.I think it was worth it.When we switch up the places,I changed my clothes because my pants were so damp and its making me uncomfortable.I saw Naa,holding the cupcake.It was a suprise party for Danny.His birthday is coming up this Saturday.We actually thought he already knew about it.turns out,he was really surprised.Awww,it was so sweet.We bought him a birthday card.Everyone sign it even teachers.When he asked when did we buy this.We bought it at Pavilion when we were going out last week.He was really surprised because he didn't suspect anything.The card is pretty funny.Its a picture of six pack soda.It says 'The birthday boy has to tape this card its his stomach.When you open the card,it says because now finally you got a six pack.go enjoy it.Haha.Then,we eat.The marinate chicken was DELICIOUS.The fried rice was also delicious.Everything was delicious.We did have a good time.Hands down,the best class party I have ever been.Zana,Leya and Danny imitates me which is so funny.Here the history behind it

Zana:(looking at pictures)Muka ke apa ni?
Afifah:Muka lerrr.
Zana said usually people said 'weh tak baik oh kau'
Starting from then,when people said muka ke apa ni? Diorang bertiga selalu cakap muka lerrr.Sometimes,when people asked topi ke apa tu? Yes,you guess it.My answer would be 'Topi lerrr'.Haha.

People started to leave because Maghrib is coming.We clean up all the stuff and head back to the main room.Everyone was there.We talked again.Took some pictures AGAIN,hehe.Leya,danny,zana,emir,hakim and I were the last one to leave.We have to wait for the driver to deliver all of the my classmate.We were the last one.It was already maghrib and I'm scared.Anak dara tak elok balik maghrib.Immediately what i thought in my head.Call my mum and explain the situation.Thank Allah,because she was not mad.Hehe,we were heading back home in the car.we took some pictures again.I think there is about 300 picture in my SLR.Not to mention fizil and lolock's slr.Damn,that's a lot of pictures.I said goodbye to everyone.gave a hug to naa and Leya.Now,my feet and back are killing me.I'm so tired and again it was worth.I have no regrets. :)

Enjoy a video of us paying a tribute to coca cola commercials.Ha ha


meen said...

hahah.the video lawak ouh.

Afifah said...

haha,kelakar kannn? hahaha

meen said...

tau x pe.


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